Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weight Myself Wednesday!!

Today is 


Remember when I started I was 

Last time I weighed myself I weighed in at 
{16.6 pound loss so far}

Today I weighed myself and it said



I am so irritated. :(

I have been beyond stressed lately
so hopefully I can blame it on that. 

I even contemplated not even posting today.
But I know that I owe it to my followers.
{all 30 of you :)}
{it means a lot, really, that people care about what I am trying to do}

I owe it to you to let you know that I am REAL.
I am a real life person.

A person who struggles.

A person who cheats and has 10 M&Ms.

A person who slacked and had 1
boneless buffalo wing.

But I know in my heart that I don't want to give up.
{Even though my brain tells me sometimes that I am just kidding myself}

Just know that I AM real.
I do struggle.
And losing weight isn't easy.

It took me 3 years to do this to myself.

So I am not going to transform over night. 

I *promise* to do better this week.
Not only for you guys,
but for me too.

small signature


  1. Don't get discouraged! You can do it!

  2. try not concentrating on those little things when you stray from your diet, everyone does it here and there, no matter what they are working towards. keep it in your mind of how hard you are working for what you want and how determined you are for this and stop concentrating on the things you don't want to happen and keep your eye on the prize. you'll get there Jaimie! just keep the positive stuff in your mind and forget the negative.

  3. Jaimie don't get discouraged! You have lost 15 lbs so far and that is a lot for the few weeks that you have been doing this. That's better than I can say...I started watching what I ate the week of Christmas and by the new year i had lost 4 lbs which I thought was pretty good over Christmas however, since then I have been at a stand still and it goes up or down from there each day.
    And it's okay to cheat a little, life's not so fun if you are miserable! You have to reward yourself a little every now and then. You'll get to where you want to be eventually it just takes time. Like you said this isn't an easy process and it does take time and dedication! Keep up the good work and look forward to this next week! Love ya!
